Congrats! And yes!
The best way to do this we have found is as follows:
You bring a trusted family member or friend who is just there “to watch.” You give them the ring to hold. We will advise your instructors about the proposal before your jump. The proposer will exit first and open the parachute at normal altitude. The instructor of the partner being proposed to will open the parachute significantly higher. This will allow time for you to get to the ground and prepare. One of our staff members will escort the ring bearing friend out to the landing area to give you the ring. Your partner’s instructor will land as close to you as possible.
In addition, for a $20 fee, we have a larger banner that reads, “Marry Me?” we can rent you.
Please understand, this is a good method when everything works perfectly. We have done this exact thing 20 time over the years. however, we cannot guarantee that your partner will land in exactly the right spot or that things will go as intended. There are a lot of factors not within our control.